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Jersey Laser Scanning Limited In Jersey

Jersey Laser Scanning Limited in Jersey

Henry Cavill's Brother Piers Cavill: Director and CEO

Personal and Professional Life

Piers Cavill, the older brother of acclaimed actor Henry Cavill, is a notable figure in Jersey. After attempting to maintain a private personal life, Piers has become more widely known as the Director of Jersey Laser Scanning Limited.

3D Laser Scanning Expertise

Jersey Laser Scanning Limited specializes in 3D laser scanning, an advanced technology used for capturing precise data and creating detailed models of environments and structures.

Connections and Leadership

Piers Cavill has established a strong professional network, with over 500 connections on LinkedIn. His experience and leadership in the field of 3D laser scanning have solidified his position as a successful businessman in Jersey.


Piers Cavill's role as Director of Jersey Laser Scanning Limited highlights his expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. His journey from a private individual to a recognized leader in the industry serves as an inspiration for those pursuing both personal and professional success.
